ChiroStat (4) Decrease in Surgeries


Chiropractic decreases outpatient surgeries by 62%.

ChiroStat 4 out of 5

Make a statement that will resonate with your patients, as well as their family and friends. 62% decrease in outpatient surgeries is a statistic that will sell chiropractic and leave a lasting impression and we should absolutely spread the knowledge! This series of five statistical artworks each highlight a great benefit to chiropractic care through thought-provoking and impactful visuals. Please note that the research reference behind the statistic is visibly placed at bottom left corner of artwork.

View the fifth here, the third here, the second here and the first here.

View all our chiropractic artwork here on YouTube.

Available as poster prints, canvas prints, rollup banner and print-it-yourself PDF files. Browse the image gallery and zoom in to view details of the various options for this artwork, incl. types and sizes, optional logo placement and the ten language versions!

Please note: The rollup banner version is designed for customisation with your clinic’s logo, website, address and phone number. The square digital PDF and square canvas print has options to add your clinic’s logo and website.