Foot Anatomy


Overview of the tendons, ligaments and selected bones of the human foot.

The foot consists of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and soft tissues that work together to enable walking, running, and providing stability. It is made up of the hindfoot, midfoot, and forefoot, each with its own distinct bones and structures. Understanding foot anatomy is essential for diagnosing and treating various foot conditions and injuries.

We absolutely adore the old hand drawn anatomy illustrations and the intention with this artwork has been to honour their particular style, while combining it with a modern approach to patient education. Throughout our vintage collection, the names and labels have all been positioned to point towards the very centre of each artwork, an effect that is further enhanced with our signature dotted lines. This technique has given the informative texts an added function as a graphic element by itself; not to distract from the original source materials, but to complement it.

View all our Vintage Anatomy artwork here on YouTube.

Available as poster prints, canvas prints and print-it-yourself PDF files. Browse the image gallery and zoom in to view details of the various options for this artwork, incl. types and sizes, colour scheme (blue or grey), free optional QR Code, and placement of logo with website. ⚠️ Texts on artwork is English only.